When it comes to love... it's always better to be Italian.
The Most Sinister Address in History!
The price for uncovering the secret of the satan bug comes high - YOUR LIFE!
A tough-city cop may be in over his stupid-ass head!
Sex, Drugs, and Matzoh Ball Soup
One of these eight people will turn into a werewolf. Can you guess who it is when we stop the film for the WEREWOLF BREAK? See it ... solve it ... but don't tell!
It's Him Or You Baby!
Some say he's a miracle man. Some say he's a fraud. You are about to meet a most unusual young man.
Sharp Fanged Blood Sucking DEATH Dives from MIDNIGHT SKIES!
The Picture That Cops the Pennant for Great Entertainment!
Extermination is the reward for the world's richest prize.
They Changed The Way Campaigns Are Won.