A nightmare ALIVE!
Clint Eastwood is Dirty Harry in Magnum Force
The Good. The Bad. And the Deadly.
One Man. One List. 101 Women. Some Fantasies Are Too True to Be Good.
An adventure beyond time. The experiment that should never have happened 41 years ago... Is still going on
Mass murderer Horace Pinker was put to death. Then he really got mad
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A coalition of East and West. A conspiracy of seduction and murder. A battle between tradition and power. Business is war.
All they wanted was a little getaway. All they got was nothing but trouble
Найдут ли они преступника, если даже ЦРУ беcсильно?
They're Hot - McQueen/MacGraw
In outer space they unleashed a force more evil than the world had ever imagined!..
Love is always worth fighting for.
Будь осторожен в своих желаниях
Four Went. Three came back. Only one of them knows what happened.
Mass destruction just met its match
Cleaning Up The Planet One Villain At A Time.