One Man. The Strength Of An Army
When People are afraid of you, You can do anything. Remember that.
You only get one shot at fame.
Some people can say a lot without moving their lips
Having a ball...wish you were here
He Had To Choose Between His Best Friend... The Woman He Loved... And The Greatest Rock «n» Roll Band In the World.
Something Different Something Daring Something Dangerous
Queen Victoria, the world's most powerful woman. John Brown, a simple Scottish Highlander. Their extraordinary friendship transformed an empire.
In the 21st century nobody will be...Safe.
Cosmo's planning to get his life in order. He just has to kill a few people first
Insanity doesn't run in the family, it gallops.
A Terrifying Love Story
"Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster." - Nietzsche.
What he saw is what he did.