Some things can't be buried.
Stands alone ! first as a book ... now as a motion picture !
A Haunting Rhyme for Bedtime.
The second sequel to The Creature from the Black Lagoon!
Champions aren't raised. They're clocked.
Try to rip him off and he'll rip you apart!
The Wasted Ain't Wasted
Girls like Tracy never tell their parents about guys like Rourke.
Two key pillars of Early Chrisitanity and Western civilization. But in their own day the world didn't want them.
Each beat may be your last...
Когда месть - единственный мотив, чтобы выжить...
Для него существует лишь один закон - закон мести...
Two young girls...trapped..with no escape! Forced to submit to the Horrors of the Pit!
They are the power. Protected by violence and ruled by corruption.