In this family, attitude doesn't skip a generation.
Ты не тот, кто ты думаешь
Лечебно-оздоровительная комедия
Самый влиятельный человек в мире
It's a strange world
Даже неудачникам выпадает шанс спасти мир
If he wasn't picked on he'd have no material.
You're either S.W.A.T. or you're not
Even if you die, you can never escape. (Japan)
Самурай готовит себя к смерти всю жизнь
Он хочет родиться...сейчас
A rebellious young man. With his own vision of the future. And his own fantasy of love
Правда будет похоронена только если они не выживут
A world of wonders in One Great Picture
Three Beautiful Women. One Lucky Devil
She saw the killer's face, but it keeps changing...
Like a 2-man chain gang!
A picture that goes beyond what men think about - because no man ever thought about it in quite this way!