In the tradition of great rebels like George Washington, James Dean, Malcolm X, Abraham Lincoln and Lenny Bruce... One man is still revolting
The year's most seductive comedy!
The legendary cult classic
Квинтэссенция зла
Это будет поистине адская ночка!
Любовь - это слово из четырех букв
A Comedy Of Sexual Disorientation
Жертва. Вампир. Убийца
He Rode The Fast Lane On The Road To Nowhere.
You can only find true love when you're true to yourself
If you don't like the rules, Make your own
Evil is so totally busted!
Humans... the other white meat... Unless you're black, then it's dark meat... Or if you are Asian, then it's yellow meat... Or if you are Native American, it's red meat...
This summer, love kills. (Originally planned release poster)
The perfect couple
Нет ничего неприличного в том, что приносит удовольствие
Sex is the ultimate weapon.
Women love women