Remember Dec.25
How far would you go, how much would you sacrifice to get back what you have lost?
As you've never seen it before
The code has never been compromised. Until now.
Brutal. Ruthless. Deadly. And they're the good guys. (Season 2)
Миссия спасения станет его вендеттой...
The Good. The Bad. And the Deadly.
A meteor hurtles toward Earth. Mankind is on the brink of disaster. The president accuses Earth's favorite son. Superman & Batman are wanted. They are...
The fought back to back...No quarter given...No quarter asked...No way in...No way out...of Rio Bravo
5. 4. 3. 2. 1......Time's Up
Before the world discovered Indiana, Indiana discovered the world
Не доверяй никому
He's a human killing machine. Taught to stalk. Trained to kill. Programmed to destroy. He's played by their rules... Until now.
Слава шла за ним по пятам
Mercy is for the weak.
One incredible afternoon Napoleon met Wellington . . . at Waterloo.
CLINT EASTWOOD...the deadliest man alive...takes on a whole army with two guns and a fistful of dynamite!