Blasting Into Theatres
Беспощадное зло… Бешеная ярость… Благородная месть…
The Orient created the world's deadliest art. Now there's an American master!
10 человек будут сражаться. 9 человек умрут. Вы это увидите
A new age of darkness is dawning
He didn't come looking for trouble, but trouble came looking for him
At last....the motion picture!
Ее сила, ее ярость, ее месть... Станут легендой...
Месть - это настоящее призвание
Kristofferson and MacGraw...ain't nothin' gonna get in their way!
If you're innocent, he's just the protection you want - and all the protection you'll need. But if you're guilty...Pray the cops find you before he does.
The biggest fight of all is with Himself
The Truth Hurts
Heroes for hire
Go to Hell!
Honor made him a man. Courage made him a hero. History made him a Legend