Who Decides Who Gets A Second Chance?
This Fall, It's Time To Fight Back
Open the door to the ultimate terror
The mindless, murderous fury that was buried with Jason has been reborn. And suddenly, terror has become child's play!
Некуда бежать. И нет смысла прятаться
First, he brought us the most frightening film ever made. Then he took his unique version of horror one step further. Now, George Romero takes us out of the night, beyond the dawn, and into the darkest day of horror the world has ever known
Things are about to get a little hairy
Life In The Burbs Will Never Be The Same Again!
If you're looking for horror that's got balls...IT'S FOUND YOU.
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Evil Doesnt Die.
Raw, Powerful, Extraordinary... A Love Story of Surprisingly Epic Proportions!
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Everything is hotter down south.
It will move you to love, laughter and tears
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