The code has never been compromised. Until now.
Marerittet Fortsetter 10.Oktober...
Not all monsters are scary to people. Not if it's one fighting crime in the Garden State.
He's a human killing machine. Taught to stalk. Trained to kill. Programmed to destroy. He's played by their rules... Until now.
Древний фолиант, написанный кровью на человеческой коже, отправит вас в самое пекло ада
King of Japanese Grotesque Movie
Тьма ждёт своего часа
Forget Everything You Have Ever Seen
When murder is no accident, revenge is no crime
New York has a new problem
Ai wa, kanari itai. (Love really hurts.)
Homework. Cheerleading practice. Killing vampires. No one said high school would be easy
Humans... the other white meat... Unless you're black, then it's dark meat... Or if you are Asian, then it's yellow meat... Or if you are Native American, it's red meat...
Когда умирает последняя надежда...
Лето. Море. Смерть
Замучила жажда успеха? Сделай...
In this town, there are no accidents.
Рождественская комедия со смертельным исходом!