The shocking true story of Henry Lee Lucas.
Страх. В плоти
See these incredible scenes before your unbelieving eyes!
A comedy beyond the call of duty
Большие приключения на большом экране
Твой страх - его пища. Твоя смерть - твоя проблема...
Life can be a comedy or a tragedy, it all depends on how you look at it
A Masterpiece of Imagination. . .
Hell Hath No Pizza
Before the world discovered Indiana, Indiana discovered the world
OUR OPERATOR SAYS.."IT'S GOING TO BE A PLEASURE TO RUN "MR. SMITH GOES TO WASHINGTON" 5 DAYS STARTING SUNDAY, NOV.7) (print ad - Lubbock Morning Avalanche - Cactus Theatre - Lubbock Texas - November 2, 1938 - all caps)
Call of the Wild
Слава шла за ним по пятам
Not all monsters are scary to people. Not if it's one fighting crime in the Garden State.