James Dean in his sensational role. (Australian daybill)
Remember Dec.25
Hollywood Never Faced a Zanier Zero Hour!
Small-town girl. Big-time dreams.
When life fell apart, love fell into place
Он мечтает о новом будущем, но прошлое не намерено расставаться с ним
For years the people of Gotham have wondered "Who is HE?" Now they are asking "Who is SHE?"
От ненависти... в порочный круг страстей
Она не знает пощады
Как насчёт острых ощущений?
Never judge a man by his cover.
Her name is China Blue. She is watched. She is worshipped. And, she must remain a mystery.
The story of "O" continues in the Orient
Honour. Valour. Gloury. Dourks.
The family that eats together stays together.
Опасность таится между фантазией и реальностью...