Pray for daylight.
Detours can be deadly.
An Evocative Wonder.
The End of the World is Just the Beginning
"Before Prison Break there was Animal Factory"
He Rode The Fast Lane On The Road To Nowhere.
Если вы ищете истину, вы обратились не по адресу
Ничто так не мешает любви, как соперничество
Love can turn you upside down
Свобода - пустой звук, пока ты её не потеряешь...
Love that paid the severest of all penalties!
In this town, there are no accidents.
A magical mountain. A mysterious legend. A story of courage against all odds.
Opposites attract
When they put their heads together... it's a no brainer
Die "Really" Hard
What a difference a day makes ...
Men on the front lines of Hell
Innocent of murder. Guilty of love.