The shocking true story behind Psycho and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
Giving Audiences What They Want Since the Dawn of Motion Pictures.
SARDU: he was the creator -- the director -- the master!
A new, a strange, a gifted personality comes to the screen!
There is horror...there is terror...beyond them, there is THE LEGACY.
A horrific tale...with grave consequences!
She's Taking A STAB At Motherhood!
...practitioner of gruesome satanic rites.
Evil doesn't knock...It has the key!
From a million years back...Horror explodes into today!
The One...The Only KING OF MONSTERS as the new demon of the atomic age!
He's back from the dead with a message from hell!
Why are they all dying so violently?... even the little rabbits!
June Cleaver with a cleaver.
an incredible orgy of sights and sounds