It's not the end of the world... there's still six hours left
Tom Logan has a law partner who put a dog on the witness stand. A client who can't enter a room without a crime being committed. And a case that could turn out to be the murder of the year. His.
Tonight they will rise from the darkness beneath the city... to feed!
A visionary child leads five men on a quest to a 20th-century city
No parents. No rules
One of the best zombie films ever made.
Величайшие испытания в поиске и обретении Земли обетованной
A motion picture to command the attention of the world !
It's 1963. Meet The Wanderers... They were the hottest guys in town.
Cannibalistic. Humanoid. Underground. Dwellers.
The Crime of the Century!
The truth is relative.
On the Red Planet... Death Awaits. (ADV Films DVD Volume 2)
When was the last time you invited death into your car?