Любовь убивает
You get tough. You get tender. You get close to each other. Maybe you even get close to the truth.
Их считали людьми второго сорта. Им же был просто нужен второй шанс
The Roman Scandals - Bound to shock with its truth!
She is a stranger in a small town. She changed her name. Her looks. Her life. All to escape the most dangerous man she's ever met. Her husband
Самая красивая история XX века
Assume the position.
Мы с тобой ближе, чем мужчина и женщина
Только здесь и только сейчас
It was the perfect honeymoon... Until it began
What's in his head
They were totally unqualified to try the case of a lifetime... but every underdog has his day
Он похож на идеального мужа. Он похож на идеального отца. Но с его приходом их жизнь превратилась в ад...
...When she got there she met the brute Stan, and the side of New Orleans she hardly knew existed
C белочками эта земля не так пустынна...
You've never seen anything like it
If you want to kill, kill. If you want to forgive, forgive.
Секс, драгз, рок-н-ролл
Impassioned by genius. Inflamed by desire. Imprisoned by love