Drac's pack is back
It will make you feel VERY funny!
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Let's cut the crap.
He was a poor black sharecropper's son who never dreamed he was adopted
Маменькин сынок - это судьба
The maddest comics of them all!
IT'S JERRY'S BIGGEST, FUNNIEST YET! (original ad - all caps)
Tourists from hell .......
I'm putting the 'ex' back in Texas!
If love is not madness... It is not love.
A story of Blood, Boobs, and Family Bonding
Swinging London Becomes Limping London When Rita "A Taste of Honey" Tushingham and Lynn "Georgy Girl" Redgrave Make the Scene and have a Smashing Time.
Roll Over «Meatballs» The «Oddballs» Are Ready For Summer Camp!