Правительство предоставило ей выбор: умереть или стать убийцей. Теперь, возврата нет
An adventure beyond time. The experiment that should never have happened 41 years ago... Is still going on
Любовь не преступление, но может быть наказанием
Я учитель. Я певец. Я писатель
Reality is never what it seems
In the tradition of great rebels like George Washington, James Dean, Malcolm X, Abraham Lincoln and Lenny Bruce... One man is still revolting
Твой страх - его пища. Твоя смерть - твоя проблема...
A beautiful secluded Island.... Five good friends... And a killer out for revenge
It's only a matter of time
It's not just another kiss
Pray for daylight.
What keeps you together when you're worlds apart?
Whats some hearts desire they must possess
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