Никогда не снимай маску
Страх - ничто, просто верь
Бойся демона, что не боится Бога
It was only one mistake, but it was a big one
Thunderbolt... the man with the reputation. Lightfoot... the kid who's about to make one!
It's Not If They Die... It's How
A storm of fear and fury in the sizzling Florida Keys !
They say that when you die, you enter a brilliant white light. But what if you had never died at all, and something you could never imagine was awakened.
They took the wrong flight to cure their fear.
They will find you...
The film that required the ultimate sacrifice.
Giant devil Bats...summoned from the caves of Hell to destroy the lust of the Vampires!
Elvis hits the road to laughter and hits a new high in romance!
She's the damsel. He's in distress.
NOTHING CAN STOP IT! (original print ad - all caps)
Trust is such a fragile thing.
Jetzt ist schon wieder was passiert. (Now something has happened again.)