Американский президент

Полный список кино, фильмов и сериалов, которые были найдены по запросу «американского президента»
Бросок кобры

Когда остальные сдаются, они идут до конца

Монстры против пришельцев

Напали пришельцы? Зови монстров!


С пушкой по жизни

Бегство с планеты обезьян

...in a democracy we do not shoot unarmed suspects on sight for a murder in which their participation is still legally unproven


He changed a world. But lost a nation.


Fighting The War On Terror.


They Want You Dead

Тропой войны

Beyond the battlefields of Vietnam. Inside the halls of power. A different kind of war would decide the fate of a nation.

Кто убил электрокар?

Who Killed the Electric Car ?

Жаркий день

La Terre est en péril... (Earth is in peril...)

Первый пёс

In Dog We Trust


When Japan attacked, he led us back to victory - When Korea exploded, we turned to him again. It was a time that requires heroes and General Douglas MacArthur was there...and then he was fired.

Дикарь на улицах

If you're thirty, you're through!


Based on the Pulitzer prize-winning book

Бой барабана

Only the fierce Modocs knew the terrible meaning of each beat of the Drum !


Occupy. Resist. Produce.

Трибунал Билли Митчелла

He defied the army and navy . . . and they gave him a Court Martial!

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