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Horror is his formula!
9 nurses, 1 survivor
The toughest act to follow is an older sister.
William Faulkner's blistering story of love that breaks the unwritten commandment !
Hvad var den mystiske dværgs perverse hemmelighed??? (What was the mysterious dwarfs perveted secret???)
She was hardly more than a child...She was a bitter-sweet 16 with a sudden awareness that she could completely destroy a married man...
A romance of Romances played against a setting of whispering palms and blue lagoons. Gorgeous, but terrible. this pathetic story of a white man's trampling of a dying race. (Print Ad- Calgary Daily Herald, ((Calgary, Alta.)) 1 December 1928)
This is Boy Wonder in 1930. He was one of the great directors in Hollywood. He directed sweeping epics and brilliant comedies. Now he's making pornos. But they're brilliant pornos.
Meter Down
Dorothy found the end of the rainbow. Judy spent her life looking for it.
A Comedy About Drama
Hope is closer than you think.