Билли Чэпел должен выбрать между женщиной, которую он любит, и игрой, ради которой он живет
Romancing with music
The love story that will scare the life out of you
Sometimes justice is a crime
It's the story of their lives.
Have you flirted yet?
This Could Be The Beginning Of A Beautiful Adventure.
The world's greatest marksman is now a marked man...
Incredible true-life drama of Juliane Koepcke... the story of a 17-year-old schoolgirl who survived a 10,000 foot plunge from an exploding jetplane and an 11 day terrifying ordeal in the Peruvian jungle!
Power is a state of mind
What is TOPAZ? Is TOPAZ a person? A code name? A mystery? It's all of these and more. TOPAZ is Leon Uris' best-seller about the most incredible spy scandal in years.
Это была идеальная свадьба за исключением двух обстоятельств… родителей невесты
Смерть — это расслабление. Вы знали об этом?
World's most favorite detective
This is the true story of Albert DeSalvo, the self-confessed Boston Strangler, and of what he did to thirteen women and one city.
They've been hit before, but never in the heart