Фильмы и сериалы 1968 года

Фильмы, сериалы и мультфильмы, которые были сняты в 1968 году
Затерянный континент

A living hell that time forgot!

Человек с пятью шарами

A balloon is like virtue - any moment it can go BANG!


Seven men who stood between Rommel's Afrika Korps and ultimate victory.

Кракатау: К востоку от Явы

The most cataclysmic event in man's history!


Five Men Held The Balance Of Death... ...his revenge explodes in a blaze of hellfire!

Ее возмездие

The ultimate female who used her beauty and her body to bring kingdoms to their downfall and men to their knees!

Всадники революции

Рыцарям революции — чекистам двадцатых годов посвящается

Приятная поездка

The Starlet and the Drifter-- Careening through the neon haunts of Vegas... the velvet traps of Hollywood... the Malibu parties... Grabbing for the brass ring... the winning ticket...

А где был ты, когда погас свет?

At exactly 5:27 P.M. New York went out like a light. This is the story of what happened in the dark. Only the names have been changed to protect the people who didn't get home to sleep.

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