M-G-M's Dramatic Hit!
REBEL BRIDE of a man she never kissed! Pledged to share his home...but not privileged to claim his love! Until one day...one fateful day...along came a Tall, Dark Stranger!
An exquisite re-telling of the Romeo and Juliet story in terms of today.
14 Stars! 22 Songs! 2 Love Stories! 14 Spectacular Scenes!
HILARIOUS! EXCITING! ROMANTIC! (original ad - all caps)
What Was Behind Their Mission... THIS TERROR?
A new and exciting version of Leoncavallo's complete score and story exactly as he conceived it...filmed in the mountains of Italy.
Pluto's efforts to dig up a bone are frustrated by his allergy.
The Story of a Negro G.I. and a Girl Campfollower!