Glamorous Girls...Gala Gaiety!
A COUPLE OF CHAMPS! (original ad - all caps)
She Was A Lawyer... And So Was He... So They Took Their Heart Troubles To Court!
Hubby Ran Wild Then - Wifey Took Aim!
It's Gene at his best ! Singing, riding, fighting his way into great new adventure !
They're only sixteen... but they have to coach their parents in courtship!
The 3 MESQUITEERS Ride Again! Looking for trouble and finding it in the heart of the old west!
THEY'RE Scared to Death...BUT STILL FULL OF FIGHT! (original poster-mostly caps)
You'll say 'I don't know when I've laughed so much'!
HE WAS A Tough Little Softie who swings straight from the heart (original print ad)
ROARING ACTiON! (original ad - almost all caps)