Фильмы и сериалы 1940 года

Фильмы, сериалы и мультфильмы, которые были сняты в 1940 году

Thrilling Adventure In Dangerous Days... As Roy Rogers blazes down ambushed trails to bring justice to an outlaw town!

Adventures of Red Ryder

From the famous NEA newspaper cartoon. (Lobby cards).

Девушка моряка

50,000 SAILORS... Can't Go Wrong!

The Golden Trail

There'll always be killin' in boom town while hot lead is cheaper than pay dirt! He led a chorus of ballads and bullets...in a cloud of pay dirt in Boomtown!

Rangers of Fortune

Looking for a fight to start,,,a fortune to find...and a woman to love! (original poster)

Маленький старый Нью-Йорк

A spirited belle of the brawling waterfront, fighting for the heart of handsome Robert Fulton (print ad)

A Night at Earl Carroll's

and Featuring the Most Beautiful Girls in the World

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