Фильмы и сериалы 1929 года

Фильмы, сериалы и мультфильмы, которые были сняты в 1929 году
Позади того занавеса

ALL BRITISH IN THEME AND CAST. A Mystery Drama that takes Scotland Yard to India, Asia's desert, and San Francisco. (Print Ad- Huon Times, ((Franklin, Tasmania)) 31 December 1929)

Дитя субботнего вечера

Hear the Bow Lines --- Snap and Sparkle with 'It'!

Острые каблуки

Show-Girls Can't Stay Married! See why! A thrilling love drama-Greater than "The Shopworn Angel"

Слова и музыка

Frat Boys and Sorority Girls in a Rollicking Rumpus on the Campus (Print Ad- Sunday Sun, ((Vancouver, BC)) 7 September 1929)


There's DYNAMITE in the lax moral code of the idle rich! DYNAMITE in the scenes of daring love-making! DYNAMITE in the clash between upper and under worlds! (Print Ad- Owosso Argus-Press,((Owosso, Mich.)) 4 February 1930)


What a talking part for gorgeous Joan! A romance sweeping from tropic jungles to gay New York! A tale of swift drama, swiftly told! (Print Ad- Rochester Evening Journal and the Post-Express, ((Rochester, NY)) 20 November 1929)

Рио Рита

The Radio Picture Screen Operetta

Воздушный флот

SOUND The whir of racing blades The roar of speeding motors The whistle of passing wind-These will quicken your pulse in this thrilling tale of Knights of the Air. (Print Ad-The Evening Independent,((St. Petersburg, Fla.)) 21 January 1929)

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