Фильмы и сериалы 1928 года

Фильмы, сериалы и мультфильмы, которые были сняты в 1928 году
The River Pirate

A rousing drama of Romance and Adventure of a modern Captain Kidd and his Buccaneers along Manhattan's water front. (Print Ad-True Republican, ((Sycamore, Ills.)) 6 October 1928)

The Canyon of Adventure

Combining all the color, romance and intrigue of the Early West with the daring stunts and riding tricks of the screen's greatest cowboy star.

На прекрасном Дунае

DECEIVED by those she trusted, she became the spite-bride of the creature she loathed. Don't fail to see this, the most enthralling love romance ever screened.

Ladies' Night in a Turkish Bath

You'll scream and screech when these two shy thrill-seekers walk right into the hottest time of their lives! Acrobatic Dorothy and Handsome Jack take you right into a whirlpool of perfectly pulsating love problems that has more laughs than you've had in a month of Saturday nights!

Shadows of the Night

Thrills you'll never guess in the newspaper crime sensation! (Print Ad- The Saratogian, ((Saratoga, NY)) 12 January 1929)

Riders of the Dark

A Frontier romance that is big and new. A girl runs a newspaper alone, defying the hordes of lawless men that bring terror by night. Action from first to last!

The Danger Rider

Fast and Furious Thrill Drama Packed With Romance and Fun (original poster)

Никакая другая женщина

She Would Have No Rival -- No Other Woman Might Share the Man of Her Choice

30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
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