Фильмы и сериалы 1922 года

Фильмы, сериалы и мультфильмы, которые были сняты в 1922 году
Bought and Paid For

She married for money and he knew it. But when the fiend in him threatened to destroy her self-respect - See this superb picturization of the greatest marriage melodrama ever written.

Кто мои родители?

A vital problem of American Society portrayed in a powerful drama of emotional appeal- It's an epic of life and love (Print Ad- Albuquerque Morning Journal, ((Albuquerque NM)) 24 January 1923)

The Sin Flood

Love-love triumphant over jealousy and deceit, hypocrisy and revenge-this is the glowing, throbbing message of 'The Sin Flood'! No greater or nobler revelation of life has ever been screened before. (Print ad)

The Good Provider

If you want to weep a little, smile a lot, and have your heart filled with happiness, SEE TTHIS PICTURE! It is as good if not better than "HUMORESQUE." (Print Ad- Lodi Sentinel, ((Lodi, Calif.)) 24 August 1922)

Nice People

There is one social type, to whom scandal is as welcome as cream to a cat.

Afraid to Fight

It's a knockout. A gripping story of an A. E. F. veteran who entered the prize ring to save his baby sister's life and won the world's championship and the one girl in the world. (Print Ad-Martinsburg Journal, ((Martinsburg, WVa.)) 8 September 1922)

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