Фильмы и сериалы 1922 года

Фильмы, сериалы и мультфильмы, которые были сняты в 1922 году
Mr. Barnes of New York

A pretty English Girl-an adventurous young American-a fatal duel-an oath of vengeance-a passionate love affair-a wedding and a mystery, there you have the ingredients of as thrilling a picture as the handsome Tom Moore has ever starred in. (Print Ad-Newark Post, ((Newark, Del.)) 8 November 1922)

Missing Millions

$2,000,000 Missing! Here's the most exciting crook-thriller ever filmed. greatest of all the 'Boston Blackie' romances. David Powell in the cast. (Print Ad- Albuquerque Morning Journal, ((Albuquerque NM)) 30 March 1923)

Without Compromise

He tamed the lawless frontier town gang with out the aid of a six shooter.(Print Ad-Decorah Public Opinion,((Decorah, Iowa)) 29 November 1922)

Fools First

A story of fools who were thieves and thieves who were fooled (Print Ad- Richmond Hill Record, ((Richmond Hill NY)) 10 November 1922)

Чемпион мира

Some son, you'll say for a nice respectable papa, mixing with lords and dukes! Some lover for lady fair, queening it over society's elite! but hurrah for a lad that was never licked! (Print Ad- The Bellingham Herald,((Bellingham, Wash.))13 April 1922)

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