Is a black shake a mistake?
Just when you thought it was safe to be dead.
When murder is no accident, revenge is no crime
Mightiest Of Men... Mightiest Of Spectacles... Mightiest Of Motion Pictures!
Humans... the other white meat... Unless you're black, then it's dark meat... Or if you are Asian, then it's yellow meat... Or if you are Native American, it's red meat...
Лето. Море. Смерть
Здесь ты сам становишься видом на грани исчезновения
The only thing more terrifying than Mother Nature is human nature.
In this town, there are no accidents.
A New Class of Terror
Rome. Before Christ. After Fellini.
Ding dong, you're dead.
Shep Ramsey was ordered to take a vacation on Earth. But was unprepared for suburban life on the planet Earth!
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Game Over... You Loose!
Never Trust A Corpse
Kick some Ash
And you thought you were unlucky?