Sorry Jack... Chucky's Back!
It's Kind of a Big Deal
Your fear is their desire
In every neighborhood there is one house that adults whisper about and children cross the street to avoid
Twenty Years Later, The Moon Rises Again...
Последний фильм на Земле
Он был тайным агентом, прошедшим подготовку во Вьетнаме. У него черный пояс по айкидо... и его семья в руках мафии. Он полицейский со своими принципами
Join Jason in the woods...... if you dare
There IS a fate worse than death
Страх заползет тебе под кожу
Kuru. (It's coming.)
Chucky has a new playmate
They had their turn... now it's his
you can step inside the hall of horrors - but dare you pay the price?
Безграничная сила. Благородное сердце. Легендарная судьба
Be Careful... She Just Might Take Your Heart
Being wild is in their Blood
Они вместе в месте, где правит смерть
The Terrifying New Chapter In The «Hellraiser» Legacy!