The Brazilian Jungle's Wildest Creatures!
Take them away for a weekend ... then try and let them go!
What they did to get in... nothing like what they'll do to get out
Hard as nails, leader of a crime ring, but still a woman. Strange that she should fall for the one man who knew her love game too well! (Print Ad- Rochester Democrat-Chronicle, ((Rochester NY)) 18 October 1931)
In the midst of life we are in death
It's Australia's greatest con...but can he bluff them all?
How far should a teacher go to protect her students?
The Demons Hunger
A black comedy about white trash.
Their Virgin Skin Violated in a Hell-Hole of Lost Souls!
Desire is hatred.
Chained like animals - treated like trash - even the filth and sweat couldn't stop their primitive cravings!
The True Story of a Brother's Ultimate Betrayal.
When the clouded line that divides both sides of society is crossed, it's hard to turn back