Он выбрал не ту тачку. Они нарвались не на того парня
Many of his fellow officers considered him the most dangerous man alive - An honest cop.
Charlie Chaplin in the Greatest Picture of His Entire Career...
Готов ли ты спасти человечество?
The Magnificent One!
They made him an offer he should have refused
Чему быть, того не миновать
Dirty Harry and the homicidal maniac. Harry's the one with the badge.
A District Attorney Out For A Conviction. A New Lawyer Out Of Her League. A Young Boy Who Knew Too Much.
The most wanted dead man alive (Season 5)
«Кого ВЫ принесёте в жертву?»
He taught him the secret to Karate lies in the mind and heart. Not in the hands
The Legend Begins
Destroy or Die
He's back!
Two brothers on opposite sides of the law. Beyond their differences lies loyalty.
It will kill you. Even if it takes the rest of your life.
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