An unlikely relationship based on love, faith, and a little deception.
A woman who had too many men!
The boy you were is not the man you are.
There Are Two Things On Their Minds... One's Killing!
Stanton Thought He Had Fought His Final Mission ... Think Again!
Same day, different lives...
When you don't know who to trust, sleep with both eyes open.
. . . a thunderbolt of thrills and intrigue
Giant devil Bats...summoned from the caves of Hell to destroy the lust of the Vampires!
Иногда лучшие друзья становятся злейшими врагами
If tou would like to make a call. Please hang up... and die again
A mind is a terrible thing to lose.
The Fanatic. The Follower. The Fugitive. The Tracker.