The story of an ordinary woman in an extraordinary time
When you lead two different lives, it's easy to forget what side you're on
The human whose name is written in this note shall die
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Новое поколение туристов
Это - война. Это - Бруклин
Let the world change you... and you can change the world
Change what you can. Hide what you can't
Every House Has A Story To Tell... This One Will Kill You
Best friends, social trends and occasional murder.
Crime. Confusion. Compassion. They're all just states of mind
Life and Death are Meaningless...And Pain Is God
They never thought they'd be famous, but they always thought they'd be friends
The movie that makes a legend come to life
Что-то происходит с Дэном. Это смущает. Это ставит в неловкое положение. Это любовь
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