Dalton's the best bouncer in the business. His nights are filled with fast action, hot music and beautiful women. It's a dirty job, but somebody's got to do it
Old heroes never die. They just get darker.
Ride Like Hell
There is no substitute
Nothing is what it seems at Miller's Crossing
Один человек. Одна пуля. Один выстрел
NOW meet the most extraordinary gentleman spy in all fiction!...JAMES BOND, Agent 007!
Dare To Look Beneath The Hood
Back on line, Back on duty
Никто не отмоется
James Bond Back In Action!
Возвращение к терапии
Nick Parker is quick as a snake, strong as a bull...not to mention blind as a bat
Meet the cop that can't be stopped!
The world's masters of murder pull out all the stops to destroy Agent 007!
Он может поймать любого преступника, кроме самого себя
Последний легкий день был вчера
Vengeance knows no mercy.