Immortality ... what would you sacrifice for it?
The excitement of being there when it first happened!
Welcome to Mountaintop Motel - We have all the latest facilities for you - built-in torture chambers, adjoining cemetery, drowning pool acid saunas, hanging tree ('Horrors at Mountaintop Motel' tagline)
Sex experiments in pursuit of a better tomorrow!
He had to create a hero to become a hero.
From the very pits of hell, furry death on four tiny stumpy feet!
ERROL FLYNN In His First Modern Role
Invisible and Deadly!
The victims: young female inmates
Atomic mutations with an appetite for flesh!
He kills in the name of science...Tombs of ice for the living...Chambers of horror for the dead!
The Man Who Survived «Precinct 13» Is Back!
She Will GIVE YOU Nightmares...FOR EVER!
Man-Made monster with every human emotion
The most hilarious military farce since M*A*S*H!