You've read the ad, now see the movie!
Based on a true story
Он не знает страха. Он не знает упрёка. Он ничего не знает
Люди боятся не того, чего стоит бояться
A comedy from the heart that goes for the throat
A breakthrough that changed the face of medicine. A unique partnership that broke the rules.
Put this in your pipe and smoke it.
Can the most famous film star in the world fall for just an ordinary guy?
There are four kinds of alien encounters. The fourth kind is abduction.
Одна из них - убийца. Кто?
Police Captain Ivan Danko came from behind the Iron Curtain to the streets of Chicago, hunting down his country's deadliest criminal. Now Danko's about to team up with the city's most unpredictable lawman.
Нас не догонят!
Это абсолютно новый вест
They're going steady...straight to your heart!
the hot-line suspense comedy
love is betrayal. love is anguish. love is sin. love is selfish. love is hope. love is pain. love is death. what is love? love's a bitch
Én ulykke kommer sjældent alene
Бескрайний космос. Беспредельный террор
Мастер... Музыка... Безумие... Убийство... Киношедевр... ... Все, что вы слышали, - правда
Фильм основан на реальных событиях