Тормоза придумал трус
8 женщин на пути одержимого дьяволом!
The Film That Started It All
A briefcase full of blues
It's the maximum trip... at maximum speed.
Let the wrecking begin
Get in. Get out. Getaway.
Across the town the traffic is MURDER
Their world is a two-lane blacktop - no beginning... no end... no speed limit!
Peter Fonda and Warren Oates are burning their bridges and a lot of rubber... on the deadliest stretch of road in the country!
See the Pile-Up of the Century!
High speed Excitement! When a Wanted Man -- Meets a Wanting Woman!
The greatest car chase ever filmed. See cars, boats, buildings destroyed!
Days of screaming wheels, nights of reckless pleasure!
They're Running Hot!
Justice... in this or any other world.
The oil finally ran out... and somewhere in the future, the chase has begun.