Bring The Little Woman...Maybe She'll Die Laughing!
Everyone gets it in the end.
Join Daffy Duck and his friends in a quazy, quack-up comedy.
The Struggle of Super-Minds in the Crime of the Century!
The closer they get to the top - the nearer they get to the bottom
3 GREAT STARS IN THE PERFECT TRIANGLE! (print ad - Lubbock Morning Avalanche - Palace Theatre - Lubbock, Texas - Feb. 29, 1936 - all caps)
Sherlock Holmes' Most Terrifying Adventure!
Even on her wedding night she must share the man she loved with the "female thing" that lived in the Tomb of the Cat!
See the mighty prehistoric monsters clash with modern lovers in a most remarkable story of love, romance and amazing adventure.
THE MOST RIOTOUS ROMANCE SINCE EVE GAVE ADAM THE APPLESAUCE! (print ad - Lubbock Morning Avalanche- Tech Theatre - Lubbock, Texas - January 17, 1945 - all caps)
THE PICTURE OF THE GENERATION! (original print ad-all caps)
The Greatest All New Fright Show In Town!
How do you know you're... God? Simple when I pray to Him I find I'm talking to myself.
The uncanny master of make-up in a new amazing shocker
Inspector Clouseau is back...and he's a bigger fool than anyone gives him the credits for.
Now! distracting drama of a girl who loved two men...completely...simultaneously! (Print Ad- Rochester Times-Union, ((Rochester, NY)) 1 March 1934)