He just doesn't know it yet.
His life was a muddy morass into which he dragged all who knew him! Such was Dorian Gray, the man who wanted eternal youth, and bartered his soul to get it!
Everyone loves a good scandal
Sometimes make-up hides the faults, and sometimes it reveals who you really are
DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS The great hurricane of joy and excitement in "The Mark of Zorro" (Print Ad- Bakersfield Californian, ((Bakersfield, Calif.)) 6 April 1921)
He can't even fly straight!
Soldier, poet, adventurer, rogue, gambler, lover !
...the Most Beautiful Romance in all History
In the old west, the lucky ones died first. Luckier still were the ones who were never born at all!
A spicy cocktail mixed for you by Venus-formed maidens led through six reels of eye-delight by two beautiful stars of national reputation.
For arrogant bastards only...
Mile-a-minute comedy under Cuban skies. Romance under a tropical moon.