Drugs Don't Stand A Chance Against These Guys!
Weird Monster Escapes! Terror Seizes City! ...a woman's beauty the lure for his dangerous desires!
Out of This World!
The biggest... most frightening science-fiction action-show of the century!
THE ADVENTURE OF ADVENTURES! (original print ad - all caps)
Ever wonder what your therapist really thinks?
The thirst for adventure!
Being alone is fine. Being alone together is perfect.
The feel-good event of the year!
Захватывающее путешествие в мир самых опасных обитателей океана
Once Upon a Magic Time...
A romance of Romances played against a setting of whispering palms and blue lagoons. Gorgeous, but terrible. this pathetic story of a white man's trampling of a dying race. (Print Ad- Calgary Daily Herald, ((Calgary, Alta.)) 1 December 1928)