Unlock the terror. Unlock the fear. And enter into the all new nightmare of...
Was one man's life worth 1 million dollars and the death of 21 men?
He was all things to all men ... but only one thing to all women!
Conjure up your deepest, darkest fear... now call that fear to life.
Some Truths Cut Deep.
The evil awaits in the other side
Edgar Allan Poe's overwhelming tale of EVIL & TORMENT
The stunning film adaptation of Martin Sherman's award-winning play.
The story of one outrageous woman. Caught between two men. Both of them certain of one thing...
If you think you know your lover. Think again. Especially if she's your wife.
The hunt is on for the world's most infamous diabolical murderer.
Beautiful. Talented. Intelligent. Courageous. Her name was Frances Farmer. She should've been the silver screen's Greatest Star.
«It's all about control»
Когда душа похоронена заживо...
The Welcome Mat is Out. Do Come In
The Medical Jungle Doctors Don't Talk About!
He survived the deadliest day on Earth! To enjoy the sexiest night in outer space!