Romance Has A Renaissance.
There's a Place for Everyone ... And Everyone Better Know Their Place.
Free Him!
THE RISE - THE FALL of the most beautiful Floradora chorine from penniless model to mistress of $40,000,000
Lollobrigida...Sensuous, Lovely, Sultry!
MGM presents the Comedy-Romance in luscious COLOR!
She was a cabaret singer...Luck brought her a chance to go to a mountain resort for a month, posing as a society belle. Two youths fall in love with her! Wait till you see this exciting story on the screen, with Joan looking like a million dollars in the kind of production that only M-G-M makes!
The woman of flame -- the man of steel -- together !
Follow your heart. But watch your back.
The wildest thing to hit the world since the mini-skirt!
Why don't men let me alone! (Title lobby card).