At last the return of America's two sweethearts, together again. (Print Ad- Hackettstown Gazette, ((Hackettstown, NJ)) 13 February 1931)
Even advocates of mirth-control have to hold their seats and sides when they see JOE E. BROWN cutting comic capers! (oriiginal print ad)
The king and queen of comedy at their best! (Print Ad- New York Sun, ((New York NY)) 18 February 1931)
Gun Wise And Girl Shy - Until He Met Joan Markham, With Tawny Skin An Hair That The Western Sun Had Kissed Until It Gleamed
Dramatic French Screen Hit!
IT'S LIKE LISTENING IN ON A PRIVATE WIRE-YOU SEE AND HEAR EXCITING THINGS! (Print ad- Citizen-Advertiser,((Auburn, N. Y.)) 29 September 1931)