Фильмы и сериалы 1927 года

Фильмы, сериалы и мультфильмы, которые были сняты в 1927 году

Get a choice seat on the fifty yard line for the greatest football game ever put on the screen.(Print Ad-Daily Nebraskan, ((Lincoln, Neb.)) 25 September 1927)

Ист-Сайд, Вест-Сайд

The thousand and one wonders of America's modern Bagdad. (Print Ad- Hackettstown Gazette, ((Hackettstown, NJ)) 27 April 1928)

Красные налетчики

COME ON KEN! Cheers! Thrills! Love! Rebel Redskins-Fights-Romance-Thrills-Adventure! You'll find them all woven into a nerve-tingling drama by Ken, the Wonder Westerner! (Print Ad- Eugene register-Guard,((Eugene, Ore.)) 5 December 1927)

Его первая пламенная страсть

They say that love is only fire against which there is no insurance. (Lobby card).


Norma and Gilbert in the Romantic Love Spectacle of Spain! (Print Ad- Albany Evening News, ((Albany, NY)) 23 January 1928)

Первый автомобиль

A ROMANTIC JOY RIDE (original print ad - all caps)

Матушка Мэкри

A Screen Story as poignant as the song. as beautiful as Irish lace- as full of throbs as an Irish heart- sparkling with Irish wit. (Print ad- Geelong Advertiser ((Geelong, Victoria)) 6 July 1928)

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