Rum-runners, hi-jackers- angry spurts of flame as pistols speak in the dark. (Print Ad- Daily Star, ((Queens Borough, NY)) 20 August 1927)
IT IS A PLEASURE---IT IS AN HONOR---IT IS WITH JUST PRIDE THAT WE PRESENT---"The Private Life of Helen of Troy" (original print ad - mostly caps)
Mysterious, Baffling, Ominous, 'The Chinese Parrot'' held the secret of the priceless Phillmore pearls and the strange disappearance of a multimillionaire. (Print Ad-Daily Times, ((Longmont, Colo.)) 7 December 1927)
No Greater Love Than This!
Traditions and friendship in Caucasus.
The Screen's greatest tragedienne at her best in CHANNING POLLOCK;S THRILLING STAGE SUCCESS(original print ad)