Фильмы и сериалы 1925 года

Фильмы, сериалы и мультфильмы, которые были сняты в 1925 году
Stop Flirting

"A flirt is like your shadow; chase her and she flees from you; flee from her and she chases you." Geoft had said. "Very well then." thought Perry, husband of the pretty Vivi, "I'll go away in an aeroplane and make her think I have gone forever." A typical Christie feature that is good for as many laughs as one normal person with the average endurance can squeeze into one evening. take a deep breath before you start. (Print Ad- Daily Banner, ((Greencastle, Ind.)) 8 January 1927)

I Want My Man

Two Wome Vie for man's Love- WHICH GETS HIM? (Print Ad- Buffalo Courier, ((Buffalo, NY)) 31 May 1925)

Fighting Courage

He left by request of his dad but did he make good-we'll tell the world he did-you must see "Fighting Courage." (Print ad)

The Necessary Evil

A tremendous drama of tangled loves-and a youth who came back from the depths to claim his own-made by Earl Hudson who gave you "Black Oxen" and other big successes. (Print Ad-Twin City Review, ((Champaign, Ills.)) 3 July 1925)

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