Sometimes life gives you the finger and sometimes it gives you...
Thief Warrior Gladiator King
Вы не сможете кричать, если нечем дышать
У него очень большой... потенциал. Мы измеряли!
Красная шапка, Дровосек, Бабуля, Волк. Необычное преступление. Необычные подозреваемые
Человек - это звучит гордо!
Life offers you a thousand chances ... all you have to do is take one
Gotta catch 'em all!
Мечта становится реальностью, когда приходит герой
The critics are raving... the natives are restless... and the laughter is non-stop!
Before she can find peace she will wage war
Наша жизнь - наши правила
Someone is coming back to Elm Street!
You may only see it once, but that will be enough
Growing pains? They've got twelve of them!
Вырваться из ада!
The most controversial film of the twentieth century has just become the most controversial film of the twenty first century
The deeper you go, the weirder life gets
A comedy in the last place you expect to find one